Study tips and time management tips for working students! — Pink For Days

I thought I should do a post sharing my experience as a teacher, tutor and working student. I have learned a few things along the years, things that might be helpful to you, either if you’re still in high school or if you’re starting university or already there. Topic I – Revisions and notes in […]

via Study tips and time management tips for working students! — Pink For Days

Gallery walk : Learning by moving

Gallery Walk : Learning By Moving Around

Trust me. When I say that it’s boring to stay still in a classroom for an hour, I really do mean it!

If I had a dollar for every time I caught my students dozing of or scanning their phones in my class, I’d gladly give up my salary (wink). You peeps agree with me?

Teaching ESL is not easy and I feel sorry for the learners too who have to cope with a dozen other problems besides learning a new language. A month into teaching my new batch, it reflected in their behavior. I wasn’t happy.

I had to try a new approach. So, I buckled up and folded my sleeves to work on introducing a new learning technique.

Enter, Gallery Walk.

Gallery walk is not something new and is quite popular among teachers and students. It’s a learning technique where students learn by walking around the classroom. What again? Yes. Moving in groups.

Here’s how it works…

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